Sorority Speak

Sorority Speak is what we call terms that you mostly find within the Panhellenic community. They are things that may be referred to within the recruitment process or just your time in a chapter.  Click below, to learn about some of the common terms within the Panhellenic community.

Myths & Rumors

Often, fraternity and sorority life don't get the best reputation - whether that's from TV shows and movies that exaggerate or play on stereotypes of Fraternity and Sorority membership or social media accounts that promote and/or advertise dangerous and immature actions of Fraternity and Sorority life members. Every now and then, people get presented with misinformation from others who may have good intentions, but not all the information about recruitment or our community in general. As a Panhellenic community here at the University of South Florida, it is incredibly essential for us to work against some of the stereotypes, myths, & rumors that the Fraternity and Sorority world are often closely associated with - both by better aligning our actions with our values and by addressing these myths head-on. We hear plenty of myths and rumors specifically about recruitment and new member experiences. Being in a sorority is such a great experience, and with 10 chapters here at USF, there is a place for any woman who wants to join. That being said, Fraternity and Sorority life is not always what it seems, so here are some myths busted for you. Click below to learn the truth behind those rumors.