2024 Panhellenic Executive Board


Ellie, President


Hometown: Orlando, FL

Major: Integrated Public Relations & Advertising

Email: usfpanhellenic.president@gmail.com

Office Hours: Tuesdays 12pm-2pm

Contact Me About: Any questions or concerns you may have, if you need a helping hand, and a resource

Angie, Executive Vice President

Year: Junior

Hometown: Sarasota, FL

Major: Integrated Public Relations & Advertising

Email: usfpanhellenic.evp@gmail.com

Office Hours: Tuesdays 3pm-5pm

Contact Me About: General Body Meetings, Open Applications, any PHA events

Amanda, Vice President of Conduct and Integrity

Year: Senior

Hometown: Tampa, Fl

Major: Political Science in Pre-Law

Email: usfpanhellenic.vpc@gmail.com

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm-5pm

Contact Me About: Ethics Board, Infractions, Chapters’ Standards, Bylaw and Standing Rules, and any other Panhellenic Document

Alexsandra, Vice President of Community Development

Year: Senior

Hometown: Ormond Beach, FL

Major: Biomedical Sciences

Email: usfpanhellenic.vpcd@gmail.com

Office Hours: Wednesdays 9am-11am

Contact Me About: Philanthropy and Service, Campus & Community Connections

Rachel, Vice President of Finance

Year: Senior

Hometown: Malbro, NJ

Major: Finance

Email: usfpanhellenic.vpf@gmail.com

Office Hours: Wednesdays 2pm-4-m

Contact Me About: Sponsorships, Financial Information and Transparency for all ten USF Panhellenic chapters

Elyse, Vice President of Public Relations

Year: Junior

Hometown: Parkland, FL

Major: Mass Communications and Broadcast Production

Email: usfpanhellenic.vppr@gmail.com

Office Hours: Wednesdays 12pm-2pm

Contact Me About: Marketing, Social Media, and Apparel

Bea, Vice President of Recruitment

Year: Senior

Hometown: Windermere, Florida

Major: Finance

Email: usfpanhellenic.vpr@gmail.com

Office Hours: Wednesdays 12pm-2pm

Contact Me About: All things Recruitment!

Candice, Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Year: Senior

Hometown: Boston, MA

Major: Health Sciences

Email: usfpanhellenic.vpdei@gmail.com

Office Hours: Wednesdays 11am- 1pm

Contact Me About: DEI initiatives, building new relations, inclusivity, event planning

Jillian, Vice President of New Member Relations

Year: Senior

Hometown: Pensacola, FL

Major: Biomedical Sciences

Email: usfpanhellenic.vpnmr@gmail.com

Office Hours: Wednesdays 10am-12pm

Contact Me About: New Member Experience and Requirements, Junior Panhellenic