Ways to Get Involved

Applications for any open positions within our Panhellenic Community can be found on our Applications page linked below.

Ethics Board

The Ethics Board assists the VP of Conduct and Integrity in adjudicating violations of all National Panhellenic Conference and University of South Florida’s Panhellenic Association governing documents, including but not limited to the National Panhellenic Conference Unanimous Agreements, Bylaws, Standing Rules, and membership recruitment regulations of the Panhellenic Association at the University of South Florida. For more information, please contact Amanda Bourne, the VP of Conduct and Integrity, at usfpanhellenic.vpc@gmail.com.

Junior Panhellenic

Junior Panhellenic works with the Director of Junior Panhellenic Coordinator in developing leadership skills, developing more of an involvement with the Panhellenic Community, and being able to meet a variety of women throughout the community. For more information, please contact the Junior Panhellenic Coordinator, at usfpanhellenic.jrpha@gmail.com.

Marketing Team

The Marketing Team consists of the Director of Website Coordination, Director of Online Communications, and Marketing Assistants. They assist the Vice President of Public Relations, in completing tasks, including but not limited to, taking pictures at Panhellenic sponsored events, helping in the production of videos, posting on social media accounts, creating graphics, and advertising events. They assist Directors and the Vice President of Public Relations in any tasks, from graphics to taking photos to tabling. For more information, please contact Elyse Worthington, the Vice President of Public Relations, at usfpanhellenic.vppr@gmail.com

Circle of Sisterhood Committee

The Circle of Sisterhood Committee assists the Director of Philanthropy in planning fundraising events and awareness events benefiting the organization. They work to remove the barriers that stand in the way of women’s education in both the U.S. and developing countries. They also serve as leaders and ambassadors for Circle of Sisterhood. For more information, please contact the Director of Philanthropy, at usfpanhellenic.philanthropy@gmail.com.

Director’s Board

This board consists of the Director’s and Coordinators across all of the teams and committees that make up Panhellenic. Applications for each position open at the discretion of the responsible Executive Board member. Meet the 2024 Director’s Board below!

Logistics Team

The Logistics Team assists the VP of New Member Relations in the potential new member recruitment registration process, which may include, but may not be limited to, sending Recruitment registration and confirmation packets and Recruitment hype emails to Potential New Members. They also help the Panhellenic Recruitment Team with any marketing and publicity efforts for Recruitment. This may include, but may not be limited to, chalking, boothings, tabling at orientation, passing out flyers, and helping out with Recruitment Information Sessions. During Primary Recruitment, the Recruitment Logistics Team assists the Panhellenic Vice President of New Member Relations with putting together schedules, invitation lists, and other tasks needed by the Panhellenic Recruitment Team. They are also a part of the Recruitment “hype” squad; this includes sending out emails to PNMs who have not yet registered for Primary Recruitment. For more information, please contact the VP of New Member Relations, at usfpanhellenic.vpnmr@gmail.com.

DEI Team

The Panhellenic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team consists of one representative from each chapter at USF. This team works together under our Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to help combat the systematic barriers historically built around our fraternity and sorority life, and works on our initiatives to ensure that our community is and will always remain inclusive to all current and potential new members. These initiatives, our DEI Careline, and our Team can be found below!