Circle of Sisterhood

Although each chapter on campus has its own respective philanthropy, as a Panhellenic Community we support the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. Circle of Sisterhood is a philanthropy that focuses on women coming together to raise funds and resources for underprivileged girls and women to have the opportunity of an education.

As Panhellenic women, we understand the importance of achieving an education and believe that every girl deserves the opportunity to go to school. "The Circle of Sisterhood Foundation is a mechanism by which all sorority women can stand together across affiliation, age, color, and creed to make a difference in the lives of millions of underprivileged girls and women. Collectively, we can do much more than we could as individuals or individual groups. We can give others an equal chance for rewarding lives and livelihoods through schooling, the learning of a trade, or even a college degree." 

- Circle of Sisterhood Foundation

“Circle of Sisterhood is the official Panhellenic philanthropy. All ten of our chapters at USF come together to raise money and awareness for this cause. Education is a key stepping stone to reducing poverty and poor health. The Panhellenic Association at USF strives to come together as a community to create momentous change for female education across the globe.

- Alexsandra Coughlin, 2024 VP of Community Development

USF Panhellenic's long-term goal is to raise $40,000 and build a school with Circle of Sisterhood, providing education for even more girls and women. We strive for this goal by hosting philanthropy events, selling shirts, and setting up tables during Bull Market to raise money for Circle of Sisterhood.

This past spring semester, we hosted a Circle of Sisterhood week, which included small sisterhood events, a giveback night with Raining Berries, and more! We were able to raise around $200 from such, and have more planned for the upcoming Fall semester! Our current total of funds raised is $14,596.80. Our current goal for the 2023 Fall semester is $26,000!