As a Panhellenic community here at the University of South Florida, it is incredibly essential for us to work against some of the stereotypes, myths, & rumors that the Fraternity and Sorority world are often closely associated with - both by better aligning our actions with our values and by addressing these myths head-on. We hear plenty of myths and rumors specifically about recruitment and new member experiences. Being in a sorority is such a great experience, and with 10 chapters here at USF, there is a place for any woman who wants to join. That being said, Fraternity and Sorority life is not always what it seems, so here are some myths busted for you.


MYTH: You will not have time to do anything else if you join a sorority.

FACT: Though being in a sorority is a time commitment, all of our ten chapters at South Florida highly encourage each and every one of their members to excel in their other commitments - school, work, student organizations, leadership roles, and community experiences. In fact, the USF Panhellenic community GPA is higher than the USF Women's GPA. In Fall 2019, the USF women's GPA was 3.17 and the Panhellenic community GPA was 3.25!

MYTH: Joining a sorority will interfere with your academics.

FACT: All ten Panhellenic chapters here at the USF campus have bylaws and GPA requirements for members. Most implement study hour requirements and host events for sisters to study together!


MYTH: I was searching for information on the Panhellenic sororities here at USF and came across GreekRank - this is a great source for researching chapters!

FACT: GreekRank is not a reliable website and only has false or biased information about the chapters or individual members of our community. They often degrade our community members. We encourage you to ignore this platform altogether and come into recruitment without any preconceived notions so you can base your preferences on your own experiences and conversations.

MYTH: You will be hazed if you join a sorority.

FACT: The University of South Florida has a zero-tolerance policy regarding hazing. All sorority women are educated about the unacceptable actions of hazing and sign an agreement stating their understanding of the University hazing policy, and all alleged violations are fully investigated. It is our priority to create a safe and healthy environment for all sorority women at the University of South Florida.

MYTH: You are forced to drink and go out as a new member.

FACT: Hazing should not be a part of our Panhellenic experience in any way, shape or form. You should feel comfortable and welcomed into your new chapter at all times. Chapters have a whole variety of activities to fill your time and members whose interests vary widely.


MYTH: When you join a sorority you are buying your friends.

FACT: The costs of sorority membership are not related to “buying friends.” Membership dues pay for the programming, leadership development, and other benefits that members receive on both the local and national levels.

MYTH: It is nearly impossible to pay for dues because it is so expensive!!

FACT: Each chapter’s due range from around $800-$1300 per semester (depending on the chapter) and each chapter has payment plans to help pay with dues. In addition, there are various scholarships offered by PHA and chapters! A lot of women choose to live in the house when they join because it makes your dues a lot cheaper! (Which is a great incentive to live in the house!! ;)


MYTH: If I am a legacy to a chapter, that basically guarantees a bid from them on Bid Day.

FACT: Though being a legacy is an incredible thing, there is no guarantee that it will impact your recruitment process, as every chapter considered legacies differently.

MYTH: Your PNM number is correlated with your ranking as a potential new member. Since I’m 300, that must not be very good.

FACT: PNM numbers correspond with when you registered for recruitment, and they are only used for identification purposes. They will not affect the outcome of your recruitment experience.

MYTH: Sorority membership has no benefits after graduation.

FACT: Sorority membership is not just for four years — it’s for life. Each woman that joins a sorority agrees to be an active member well beyond her undergraduate years at USF. While the collegiate years are the most highly associated with sorority membership, alumnae women actively serve as chapter advisors and mentors to undergraduate women. Undergraduate sorority chapters benefit greatly from the lifelong involvement of members. Following graduation, sorority women benefit from their membership through extensive networking opportunities with sisters around the world.

MYTH: You won't be friends with people in other sororities.

FACT: Being in a sorority is a great way to meet people and develop new friendships, but especially at USF, it does not limit you to the people in your chapter. Philanthropic events and other Fraternity/Sorority Life events will allow you to meet women of other chapters. Being on the Panhellenic Recruitment Team or on USF Panhellenic, in general, is a great way to connect with other women in our Panhellenic community.

MYTH: If I know a sorority woman, her chapter is obligated to extend me a bid.

FACT: Individual chapter members cannot determine who the chapter will extend bids to. Just because you know someone in a chapter does not mean that particular chapter is the right fit for you.

MYTH: Some chapters on the USF campus are just better than others.

FACT: Our campus has ten chapters for a good reason: so you have ten chapters to find your sisters. Each one of you is unique just as every chapter is unique. There is no such thing as a “bad” or “good” sorority. Go in with an open mind!

MYTH: I should join a sorority for the t-shirts, and pins and flaunt it on the USF campus.

FACT: Women join sororities to build character, enhance the community through philanthropy events, and make lifelong friends and connections. They do not join for merchandise.

MYTH: Fraternity/Sorority life is not for everyone.

FACT: False. With over 50 chapters across our four councils here at USF, you are bound to find something that matches your ideals, your morals, your visions, and what you want out of your undergraduate career. This is your time. Enjoy it!!

MYTH: You have to dress perfectly 24/7 to be in a sorority.

FACT: Dressing perfectly? Yeah right. No one has time for that and no one is perfect! With classes, intramurals, student organizations, and many other activities, we can barely make it to chapter meetings looking presentable. We do our best, but you best believe that our favorite outfit is leggings and a T-shirt.

MYTH: You have to look just like everyone else to get in.

FACT: We LOVE diversity!!! We love to embrace our differences and the differences of others. We accept all women into our community. We want women who are passionate about their goals and morals, so it doesn’t matter what you look like, just about what’s on the inside. Cliché, we know.

MYTH: No one actually cares about their philanthropy and service.

FACT: With each of our ten chapters having its own unique philanthropy, it is something that all hold near and dear to their hearts. We don't just care about our philanthropies in the Panhellenic community; we LOVE our philanthropies. In addition, we LOVE to contribute and serve our community. Some examples include volunteering, donating to local food drives, and visiting hospitals to deliver essential supplies and care packages.