New Member

Bill of Rights

As you go through the Recruitment process, it is important to understand how much we respect you and your decision to go through Recruitment. It is our goal to make sure all potential new members feel comfortable and excited about going through Recruitment and have fun throughout the entire week. If at any time you are made to feel uncomfortable or feel that something just is not supposed to be a certain way please let us know and the Panhellenic Council and your Rho Gamma will do all we can to accommodate you. The following statements break down the rights potential new members have as they go through the process.

  • The right to be treated as an individual

  • The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process

  • The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from Recruitment Guides and members

  • The right to be treated with respect

  • The right to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized

  • The right to ask how and why and receive straight answers

  • The right to have and express opinions to Recruitment Guides

  • The right to have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with Recruitment Guides

  • The right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others

  • The right to be fully informed about the NPC Unanimous Agreements implicit in the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement (MRABA) signing process

  • The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision

  • The right to have a positive, safe, and enriching recruitment and new member experience