What is Recruitment?

Recruitment is the process through which a female Undergraduate Collegiate individual joins a chapter and, in turn, the larger Panhellenic community. There are three different types of Recruitment (Primary Recruitment, Informal Recruitment, and COB), and Potential New Members may find that they prefer one form of Recruitment over another.

Recruitment is a mutual selection values-based process, in which a chapter evaluates potential new members and potential new members evaluate chapters as they are narrowing down their desired invitations during the Primary Recruitment process. As Potential New Members evaluate the chapters they are most interested in joining, the chapters evaluate the women whom they believe best align with that organization’s values and the active members of their chapter. After each round of Recruitment, Potential New Members prioritize which chapters they would like to visit in the next round of events based on the conversations they had with chapter members, how their values align with those of the chapters, and where they feel most comfortable. Invitations to further events result from this Mutual Selection Process.

It is important to note that the Mutual Selection Process may mean not going back to a chapter you prioritized highly as you may receive an invitation to a chapter you have indicated as a low priority; reasons you may receive an invitation to a sorority you indicated as a low priority include (but are not limited to) how many Potential New Members a sorority can invite back and not meeting membership requirements like GPA.

The Mutual Selection Process is designed to give Potential New Members an opportunity to better get to know as many chapters as possible; those chapters that have invited Potential New Members back have identified them as someone who fit the values and expectations of their organization and want to get to know them on a deeper level.

The choice to join a sorority isn't just one that'll affect your time in college, it's a choice that'll impact the rest of your life.


Primary Fall Recruitment:

Primary Recruitment or Fall Recruitment, happens at the beginning of USF’s Fall Semester. Primary Recruitment provides women with the chance to meet and get to know women from all ten sororities, assessing which they'd feel most comfortable in. Primary Recruitment is comprised of five days, and on each subsequent day, Potential New Members (PNMs) visit fewer chapters and spend longer amounts of time at the remaining chapters.

PNMs need to register for Primary Recruitment and pay the registration fee of $80.

Continuous Open Bidding (COB):

Continuous Open Bidding (COB) begins after the conclusion of Formal Recruitment and continues throughout the academic year. Continuous Open Bidding is recommended for anyone who chooses not to participate in Formal Recruitment or did not receive a bid. COB offers undergraduate women the opportunity to participate in Panhellenic life and join a sorority through an informal process. Membership recruitment activities might include pizza parties, bowling outings, or movie nights. Not all 10 chapters will be eligible to participate, but participating sororities will contact women by phone, letter, or personal visit to invite them to attend their membership activities. Keep in mind, interested women will not hear from all the sororities. While there is no registration for Continuous Open Bidding, we recommend you email Jill, VP of New Member Relations, at usfpanhellenic.vpnmr@gmail.com to ask any questions you may have.  Doing this does not ensure that chapters will contact you, but your information will be given to the chapters participating in COB.  

Spring Informal Recruitment:

Informal Recruitment or Spring Recruitment, happens at the beginning of USF’s Spring Semester. Much more casual than Formal Recruitment, this is a longer and more relaxed recruitment style as events are held over the span of a few weeks. It's important to note that not all chapters participate in Spring Recruitment, and PNMs don't need to register for Spring Recruitment- as is required for Fall. They also aren't assigned Recruitment Guides, leaving them free to attend the events that they wish to or are invited to. PNMs must reach out to chapters on their own.

All chapters who will be participating, are present at the beginning of the process for an informational session and then for an Open House. As in Formal Recruitment, not all who go through the process will receive a bid, but you may find that this more relaxed style is more comfortable for you. Please feel free to wear whatever you feel comfortable and confident in, as the attire for the events is cute casual.

All chapters will be at our information session at the beginning of the Spring Semester. It’s highly recommended to attend to meet all participating chapters, as not all chapters may hold open events. After meeting chapters, Potential New Members will be invited to events to meet members on a deeper level and see if you align with their values, and vice versa.

If you are interested in Recruitment or would like more information, please contact VP of Recruitment, Trishna at usfpanhellenic.vpr@gmail.com.