The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Hotline is a place where members inside and outside of the Panhellenic community can report issues regarding diversity and inclusion. 

Diversity is defined as a variety of different people (i.e race, body type, ability, religion, etc.). Inclusion is defined as the action of including people in a larger group. Together, this means to bring a large group of people with many differences together. 

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Hotline will ensure that issues pertaining to the topic of diversity and inclusion are brought to light and addressed. We will also use these real life examples (if permitted) to educate members of how their actions or words affect people. 

Who Can Use It 

We would like anybody who is affected by the Panhellenic community or Fraternity and Sorority Life as a whole to use this form to report issues regarding diversity, equity and inclusion. We are asking members to report their membership status to ensure that we are fixing the problem at its core and to ensure that the solution addresses the correct crowd.

PHA Potential New Members: Potential new members can use this form before and during Recruitment. This can be used to help the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team and the Panhellenic Executive Board ensure that the Recruitment process is comfortable for PMNs of all different races, body types, abilities, religions, and more. We will use this feedback to reform the Recruitment process in years to come. 

PHA Current Members: Current members can use this form anytime throughout their collegian sorority experience. This can be used to help the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Team plan appropriate and relevant programming events throughout the semester. 

PHA Withdrawn Members: Withdrawn members can use this form anytime after they have withdrawn from the Recruitment process or their sorority. This can be used to help the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team educate current members about how their actions regarding an insensitivity towards diversity, equity and inclusion can affect other people.

PHA Alumnae Members: Alumnae members can use this form to reflect on their time of being a collegian in our community. This is a time for the alumnae to speak up and express the changes regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion they would like to see moving forward in the Panhellenic community. 

MGC Member: Members of the Multicultural Greek Community can use this form to report instances relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This can be used so that members of this community feel comfortable coming to our events knowing that we are educating the Panhellenic community. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team is here to listen and ensure that MGC feels welcomed and respected by our sisters. 

NPHC Member: Members of the National Pan-Hellenic Community can use this form to report instances relating to diversity and inclusion. This form can be used to enlighten our council of issues that may have arisen between our communities. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team will listen and ensure that our members are educated and NPHC feels welcomed and respected by our sisters. 

IFC Member: Members of the Interfraternal Community can use this form to report instances relating to diversity, equity and inclusion. This form can be used to bring these issues to light. The Diversity and Inclusion Team will insure that topics presented in the form will be addressed. 

USF Students: All of USF’s students are also welcomed to fill out the form if they felt uncomfortable while talking to a member of the Fraternity and Sorority Life community. Although this hotline is run by Panhellenic, we can ensure that the proper council receives the report. We will also take every report and reflect on how we can make our community inclusive to all. We will continue to educate our members on the importance of being diverse, equitable and inclusive. 

Making this report does not constitute submitting an official complaint to USF. If you would like to make an official discrimination complaint, please click here.