Sigma Delta Tau


"One Hope of Many People."

Symbols: The Torch
Colors: Cafe Au Lait and Old Blue
Nickname: Sig Delt

National Founding Date: March 25, 1917

 Local Founding Date: April 17, 1988

National Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America, Jewish Women International

 Local Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America

GPA Requirement: 
Incoming Freshman: 3.0
Current College Students: 2.5
Initiated Members : 2.7
Officers : 3.0

Social Media:
Instagram: @usfsigdelt
Facebook: Sigma Delta Tau at the University of South Florida

Chapter President: Kayla Harrington  (

Chapter Advisor: Taylor Zeigler (


Sigma Delta Tau has two philanthropies, Child Abuse America and Jewish Women International. Our philanthropies are broken down into two semester of each year. In the Fall our philanthropy is Prevent Child Abuse America. PCAA is an organization that aims to give children the best childhood by preventing abuse and neglect. Through their organization, they promote different services and programs that improve children's well being along with preventing neglect. In the Spring philanthropy is Jewish Women International. JWI is an organization that works to support and empower women through ensuring both their physical safety and economic security. JWI aims to make sure all women thrive economically, in healthy relationships and to their fullest potential.