Kappa Delta


"Let us strive for that which is honorable, beautiful and highest."

Symbols: Dagger, White Rose, Teddy Bear, Nautilus Shell
Colors: Olive Green and Pearl White
Nickname: Kay Dee

National Founding Date: October 23, 1897

 Local Founding Date: January 14, 1967

National Philanthropy: Prevent Child Abuse America

 Local Philanthropy: Joshua House

GPA Requirement: 
Incoming Freshman: 3.0
Current College Student: 2.5
Initiated Members : 2.75
Officers : 2.75

Social Media: Instagram: @kdusf
Facebook: Kappa Delta at the University of South Florida
Website: www.usf.kappadelta.org

Chapter President: Julia Bozek (kdpresidentusf@gmail.com)

Chapter Advisor: Chelsea Sweet (sweetc0924@yahoo.com)


Since 1981, Kappa Delta has been a proud supporter of Prevent Child Abuse America. The University of South Florida’s chapter of Kappa Delta hosts their annual Kaddy Shack philanthropy in support of the abused and battered children in our community and country. We recognize that every day we each have the opportunity to help create the kind of nation we want to live in. We also recognize that when all children don’t have equal opportunity for healthy growth and development, we put our future as a society at risk. Our annual Kaddy Shack event brings together many people in support of a great cause while having a good time golfing.