Gamma Phi Beta


"To Inspire the Highest Type of Womanhood"

Symbols: Crescent Moon
Colors: Blush Pink and Mode
Nickname: Gamma Phi

National Founding Date: November 11, 1874

Local Founding Date: November 17, 2012

National Philanthropy: Building Strong Girls

 Local Philanthropy: Girls on the Run

GPA Requirement: 
Incoming Freshman: 3.0
Current College Student: 2.7
Initiated Sister : 2.8
Officers : 3.0

Social Media:
Instagram: @gammaphibetausf
TikTok: @gammaphibetausf

Chapter President: Kylee Keplinger (

Chapter Contact: Michelle Rogers


Moonball is a volleyball tournament among greek organizations that benefits Girls on the Run - Tampa Bay. Gamma Phi Beta believes in building strong girls alongside our philanthropic partner, Girls on the Run. Girls on the Run is an enrichment program offered to girls in grades K-8 nationwide, promoting the value of self love, positivity, health, and growth.