Chi Omega

"Sisters on Purpose"

Symbols: Owl, Skull and Crossbones
Colors: Cardinal and Straw
Nickname: Chi O

National Founding Date: April 5, 1895

Local Founding Date: Oct. 19th, 1968

National Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish

 Local Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish Southern Florida

GPA Requirement: Incoming Freshman: 3.0
Current College Student: 2.7
Initiated Members: 2.5
Chapter Officers: 2.8 Cumulative

Social Media:
Instagram: @usfchiomega
Facebook: Chi Omega at University of South Florida

Chapter President: Hailey Faulkner (

Chapter Advisor: Natalie Emerson and Chelsea Olvia (


Chi Omega's philanthropy is The Make-A-Wish Foundation. In 2002, an alliance was created that has resulted in Chi Omega raising more than 20 million dollars and volunteering over 1 million hours for Make-A-Wish. Chi Omega's goal is to be involved in volunteering and fundraising for Make-A-Wish and to assist in the granting of wishes to courageous kids. A wish granted not only provides hope, strength, and joy to a child and their family, but it can also provide a wish child with the ability and willingness to comply with difficult medical treatments, and the hope gained by that wish often improves a child's physical health. The Theta Theta Chapter of Chi Omega has hosted a philanthropy event, Wings for Wishes, for the last two years to raise funds for our local Make-A-Wish chapter. Wings for Wishes is a wing-eating competition that brings together the USF community and provides awareness of Make-A-Wish.