Alpha Omicron Pi

AOII Infinity Rose Logo.jpg

“Inspire Ambition”

Symbols: Jacqueminot Rose, the Ruby, a Sheaf of Wheat, the Panda
Colors: Cardinal Red
Nickname: Alpha O

National Founding Date: January 2, 1897

Local Founding Date: September 7, 1985

National Philanthropy: Arthritis Foundation

Local Philanthropy: Arthritis Foundation, Sisters for Soldiers

GPA Requirement:

Incoming Freshman: 3.0
Currently in College: 2.5
Initiated Sisters: 2.5
Leadership Council: 2.75

Social Media:
Instagram: @aoiiusf

Chapter President: Eleana Hammond (

Chapter Advisor: Catie Shedlock (


Serving the world around us is one of AOII’s founding principles. Alpha Omicron Pi has enjoyed an important partnership with the Arthritis Foundation since 1967. Funds raised by AOII chapters are donated to support arthritis research, provide programing for juvenile arthritis patients, and ensure that medical attention is given to those suffering from the debilitating effects of arthritis. This past fall, Gamma Theta hosted an event called Dunk Out Arthritis, a basketball tournament to raise funds and awareness for the Arthritis Foundation. Expanding outside the Arthritis Foundation, Gamma Theta supports Sisters for Soldiers which collects goods, sends handwritten letters, and provides needed comfort to our service men and women overseas.